Note: UOL009-FYE101 Users kindly see the detailed steps below.

Please read through these steps carefully before completing the FYE MOOC

  1. Click on "Log in" (top right-hand side of the screen)
  2. Click on “Create new account"
  3. Enter all the required information and then click on “Create my new account” (please ensure that you have entered a valid and correct email address). 
  4. Please ensure that you enter the correct student number. If you enter your student number incorrectly or use another non-Unisa student number or name to create the account, completing the course will not have the desired result, and you will have to redo the course.
  5. After successfully completing the registration, an email will be sent to the email address you used in the MOOC registration form – open the email and verify your FYE MOOC registration
  6. Once verified, click on “Log in” again, type your Student number and Password, and you will be able to access the UOL009-FYE101_2024 under the ‘Home’ tab
  7. Scroll down (below the image) to Available courses and click on UOL009-FYE101_2024
  8. Read the Overview page and continue with the FYE MOOC
  9. This FYE MOOC has four (4) study units which must be completed first, before completing the self – assessment (the self – assessment is only available after successful completion of the 4 study units) 
  10. Once you have successfully completed UOL009-FYE101_2024, you will need to wait for five (5) minutes before you can accept your study offer
  11. To accept your offer, go to

Note: *please email for all FYE MOOC related queries.

Last modified: Monday, 20 January 2025, 2:07 PM